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  • Writer's picturePhoebe Austin


Hi it's me again, I am hoping to update this as often as possible. When i made this blog I thought it was going to be like an online diary where I tell you what happened in my day, but that's not interesting, so I have decided to do something else something that hopefully you can relate to, Why. I know how big of a question that is but I'm going to try and cover my thoughts on it.

The first question I have to ask is why and what is love. I see it as an endless carousel of pain, I don't know about you but I also seem to fall for the wrong people, ever they're taken or not right for me and I know what you're thinking i have my whole life ahead of me to find 'the one' but I am sick and tired of falling and hitting the ground and if you know me you know when I fall in love I fall hard if you are a boy and you are reading I'm sorry but this isn't the whole thing so just keep reading. I wish that i could just stop falling and crashing.

And the next question I have is why do I always feel like I have to be someone I'm not, I have to like this I have to wear that I have to be this weight and this height I have to be perfect! and sometimes when I look at the people around me and then I look at myself I think we're different but that's good because being unique is something to be cherished not shamed and I am sick of feeling like I'm not good enough because I am. I think for now that's all I have to say, see you next time--p

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